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4 Starting TNT

On Windows, the TNT program is run by clicking on the menu item or shortcut that you created in 3.2.2. Alternatively, you can use Windows Explorer to navigate directly to the TNT installation directory, and click on tnt.tcl.

On Unix, the program is invoked at the command line by executing either "tnt" or "tnt.tcl" from the installation directory. If the binary directory .../tnt/bin is included in your path, simply type the command. Otherwise, you may specify a full path name to tnt.tcl, or you can change your current working directory (cd) to the .../tnt/bin directory, and run the application from there.

When started, TNT will not have any simulation parameters defined. You may use the Open, Save, and Save As... options from the File menu to load and save TNT cross section files.

4.1 TNT Main Window

The TNT main window contains an application menu bar, buttons for creating new cross section structures, a layer stackup, and a drawing of the cross section.

Figure 1: TNT Main Window
Image mainwindow

The menu bar has several pull-down menus. The File menu has options for opening, saving, and printing cross section description files. The View menu toggles display options. Materials lists can be re-loaded using options on the Setup menu. MMTL simulations can be run from the BEM, Sweep, and Iterate menus. The full-wave experimental wavelet based simulators can be run from the Wavelet Simulators menu.

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Bob Techentin 2004-07-29